Pregnant In Calgary: Now What?

By: Bethany Galster, intro by Rachel Parris 
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Congratulations! You're going to have a baby. That's awesome. And probably, on some level, completely terrifying.

You're probably already thinking about the million things you need to get done in the next nine(ish) months.

Breathe. You've got this. I promise.

Our maternity care system can be convoluted. Do you see your family doctor, a midwife, an OB/GYN? And when? What tests and procedures are usually recommended? What choices are available to you?

We wanted to simplify the process for you and have created these two handouts for you to print and use as needed (and by we, I mean our very talented Bethany Galster!). Simply click on the image to open a printable/downloadable PDF.

Navigating the Maternity System in Calgary Alberta Flow Chart.jpg
Navigating the Maternity System in Calgary Alberta Timeline.jpg

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