Meet Your Doula
A return to our classic Meet Your Doula style event. Interested in hiring a doula but not sure where to start? Come to our doula speed-dating event and meet with some of Calgary’s trained birth and postpartum doulas. Explore how doula support is an investment to your health and beneficial to your growing family.
To be held at Dr For Moms
Be sure to click the link to take you to the event page. We can’t wait to meet you!
Meet Your Doula Eventbrite link
IF you are a doula interested in signing up to participate as a doula in the event, Click here to apply.

General Members Meeting
General Member Meeting! Join us in our second last meeting of the year, before our AGM with special guest speaker Natasja Boivin with eDoula. See everyone soon.
In-Person Option: CO-OP, located upstairs in there conference room.
VIRTUAL: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 0510 8579
Passcode: 471659

General Members Meeting
General Member Meeting! Join us in our fifth meeting of the year with some social time with your fellow doulas. See everyone soon.
In-Person Option: CO-OP, located upstairs in there conference room.
VIRTUAL: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 0510 8579
Passcode: 471659

CDA Member Holiday Party
Happy Holidays to the Members of the Calgary Doula Association! Join us in celebrating as another year draws to a close. Plans are in the works for activities! Connect with info@calgarydoulas.ca if you have any questions, concerns or comments!
Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: Register:
Attendance Option One: Cost:

Prevent it! Workshop
The Calgary Doula Association invites you to attend a Little Warriors Prevent It! workshop to learn how to help protect your children or children you work with from child sexual abuse.
The Little Warriors Prevent It! Workshop is an interactive workshop designed to educate adults to help prevent and respond to child sexual abuse through improving attitudes, knowledge and behaviour of workshop participants. This workshop is unique in Canada and was developed using research-informed methods and evaluated with scientific rigour. During the workshop adults will learn to take action to help prevent and respond to child sexual abuse using the following steps: Study Talk Observe Prepare for Action.
Who should take this workshop? ALL parents, professionals and volunteers that work or interact with children. All participants receive a workbook and certificate of attendance.
Location: Calgary Birth Essentionals
Cost: Is a donation to Prevent it! in honourarium

General Members Meeting
General Member Meeting! Join us in our Third meeting of the year with special guest speaker Christie Orr-Brown, she is a therapist that focuses on perinatal mental health. Herself and a colleague, Maigan Birse, started Encircled Therapy and Wellness, a perinatal mental health support clinic, they will be coming to talk to us about their upcoming webinar/course for trauma informed doulas. See everyone soon.
In-Person Option: CO-OP, located upstairs in there conference room.
VIRTUAL: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 0510 8579
Passcode: 471659

General Members Meeting
General Member Meeting! Join us in our second meeting of the year with special guest speaker Aditi Loverage from PILSC. See everyone soon.
In-Person Option: CO-OP, located upstairs in there conference room.
VIRTUAL: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 0510 8579
Passcode: 471659

General Members Meeting
General Member Meeting! Join us in our First meeting of the year after our summer off. See everyone soon.
In-Person Option: CO-OP, located upstairs in there conference room.
VIRTUAL: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 0510 8579
Passcode: 471659

Meet Your Doula
A return to our classic Meet Your Doula style event. Interested in hiring a doula but not sure where to start? Come to our doula speed-dating event and meet with some of Calgary’s trained birth and postpartum doulas. Explore how doula support is an investment to your health and beneficial to your growing family.
Location to be shared at a later date.
Be sure to click the link to take you to the event page. We can’t wait to meet you!
Meet Your Doula Eventbright link

AGM - Members Metting
Our April 13, 2021 Meeting is our Annual General Meeting. At this meeting, membership can have their say by voting on a variety of topics. This includes selecting your next Board Team! Attendance by our members is highly encouraged. Our membership shapes our organization.
Location TBD
Virtual Option: via Zoom Meeting ID: 883 0510 8579- Passcode: 471659

General Members Meeting
General Member Meeting! Join us in our third last meeting of the year and the meeting before our AGM, with a special guest Susan Vukadinovic, author of “The Actually Pretty Good Baby”. She will be sharing her new book with all CDA members and offering a discount on any books doulas purchase. See everyone soon.
In-Person Option: McLeod Trail Co-op (8818 Macleod Trail SE)
VIRTUAL: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 0510 8579
Passcode: 471659

Meet Your Doula
A return to our classic Meet Your Doula style event. Interested in hiring a doula but not sure where to start? Come to our doula speed-dating event and meet with some of Calgary’s trained birth and postpartum doulas. Explore how doula support is an investment to your health and beneficial to your growing family.

General Member Meeting
General Member Meeting! Join us in our Second meeting of the year, with a special guest from Marii from Stride Froward Psychology. She will be joining us to talk about moods in the prenatal period, as well as postpartumly. At our first meeting of the year we voted for our special motion, there wasn’t enough voters to pass our motion. We will be voting (again), on our new bylaws and change in governance document. See everyone soon.
In-Person Option: Calgary Central Library - Room TBD
VIRTUAL: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 0510 8579
Passcode: 471659

General Member Meeting
September 13th, 2023 - 6:00-8:00pm - General Member Meeting! Join us in our first meeting of the year, where we can reconnect after our summer off and meet some new members that joined in the last few months. At our first meeting of the year we will be officially voting in our new bylaws and change in governance document. See everyone soon. In-Person Option: Inglewood Community Association 1740 - 24th Avenue SE CALGARY
VIRTUAL: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 0510 8579
Passcode: 471659

General Member Meeting
Our monthly meeting for CDA members or members of the public who are interested in becoming a doula or the work of doulas. We begin with a business portion often followed by an educational portion which aids to add to the skill sets of doulas.
Virtual Option: via Zoom Meeting ID: 883 0510 8579- Passcode: 471659 In-Person Option: Calgary Central Library - Room 3-16B

Lactation Education for Doulas
Workshop Alert!
Lactation Education for Doulas:
Join Natalie Borden, IBCLC, CD/PCD(DONA) for this amazing opportunity to build your skills and comfort in supporting clients on their feeding journeys.
For more information or to register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/lactation-education-for-doulas-tickets-508029067617

AGM - Member Meeting
Our April 13, 2021 Meeting is our Annual General Meeting. At this meeting, membership can have their say by voting on a variety of topics. This includes selecting your next Board Team! Attendance by our members is highly encouraged. Our membership shapes our organization.
Virtual Option: via Zoom Meeting ID: 883 0510 8579- Passcode: 471659 In-Person Option: Calgary Central Library - Room 3-16B

Meet Your Doula
A return to our classic Meet Your Doula style event. Interested in hiring a doula but not sure where to start? Come to our doula speed-dating event and meet with some of Calgary’s trained birth and postpartum doulas. Explore how doula support is an investment to your health and beneficial to your growing family.
Reserve your space today! https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/cdas-meet-your-doula-tickets-472637721147

General Member Meeting
Our monthly meeting for CDA members or members of the public who are interested in becoming a doula or the work of doulas. We begin with a business portion often followed by an educational portion which aids to add to the skill sets of doulas.
Virtual Option: via Zoom Meeting ID: 883 0510 8579- Passcode: 471659 In-Person Option: TBA

General Member Meeting
Our monthly meeting for CDA members or members of the public who are interested in becoming a doula or the work of doulas. We begin with a business portion often followed by an educational portion which aids to add to the skill sets of doulas.
Virtual Option: via Zoom Meeting ID: 883 0510 8579- Passcode: 471659 In-Person Option: Calgary Central Library - Room 3-16B

General Member Meeting
Our monthly meeting for CDA members or members of the public who are interested in becoming a doula or the work of doulas. We begin with a business portion often followed by an educational portion which aids to add to the skill sets of doulas.
Virtual Option: via Zoom Meeting ID: 883 0510 8579- Passcode: 471659 In-Person Option: Calgary Central Public Library - Room 0-04 Speaker Alert! Amanda McMillan - Families Matter

CDA Member Holiday Party
Happy Holidays to the Members of the Calgary Doula Association! Join us in celebrating as another year draws to a close. Plans are in the works for activities! Connect with info@calgarydoulas.ca if you have any questions, concerns or comments!
Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm Location: Broken Spirits Distillery (3320 - 14th Ave NE, Unit 4) Register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/cda-holiday-party-tickets-471204243577
Attendance Option One: Join us for an evening of informal visiting and connecting over potluck snacks and a "local-maker" white elephant gift exchange. Cost: Free ($20 max/min for Gift Exchange item + Potluck Contribution) Note: To show respect to our host venue, anyone who registers for a ticket and does not attend without prior notice will be invoiced for $20
Attendance Option Two: Enjoy potluck snack, a "local-maker" white elephant gift exchange AND an instructor-led paintnite, creating a take home keepsake at the event Cost: $30 + $20 max/min for Gift Exchange item + Potluck Contribution Note: Minimum of 6 participants required; maximum of 10
Cocktails and Mocktails will be available for purchase

Meet Your Doula
A return to our classic Meet Your Doula style event. Interested in hiring a doula but not sure where to start? Come to our doula speed-dating event and meet with some of Calgary’s trained birth and postpartum doulas. Explore how doula support is an investment to your health and beneficial to your growing family.
Reserve your space today! https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/meet-your-doula-tickets-383662132767

General Member Meeting
Our monthly meeting for CDA members or members of the public who are interested in becoming a doula or the work of doulas. We begin with a business portion often followed by an educational portion which aids to add to the skill sets of doulas.
In-Person Option: Calgary Central Library Room 3-16B 800 - 3rd Street SE, Calgary AB
Virtual Option: via Zoom Meeting ID: 883 0510 8579- Passcode: 471659

Calgary Baby & Tot Show
The Calgary Baby and Tot Show is a premier parenting event designed to put everything you need under one roof. Come and connect with the Calgary Doula Association to learn how our Doulas can help support your family during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum. Tickets available here.

General Member Meeting
Our monthly meeting for CDA members or members of the public who are interested in becoming a doula or the work of doulas. We begin with a business portion often followed by an educational portion which aids to add to the skill sets of doulas.
In-Person Option: Calgary Central Library Room 0-04 800 - 3rd Street SE, Calgary AB
Virtual Option: via Zoom Meeting ID: 883 0510 8579- Passcode: 471659
Speaker Alert!! Sharon Storton - Caregiver Burnout, Supporting Trauma Survivors, Trauma in Caregivers

General Member Meeting
Our monthly meeting for CDA members or members of the public who are interested in becoming a doula or the work of doulas. We begin with a business portion often followed by an educational portion which aids to add to the skill sets of doulas.
Virtual Option: via Zoom Meeting ID: 883 0510 8579- Passcode: 471659
In-Person Option: Calgary Central Library Room 3-16B 800 - 3rd Street SE, Calgary AB

Meet Your Doula, Drive In Style
A merger of speed dating and a drive in burger joint. A great combo to find your doula during Covid-19 restrictions. For more information, or to register, visit https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/meet-your-doula-drive-in-style-tickets-144086802505

General Member Meeting
Our monthly meeting for CDA members or members of the public who are interested in becoming a doula or the work of doulas. We begin with a business portion often followed by an educational portion which aids to add to the skill sets of doulas.
Virtual Option: via Zoom Meeting ID: 892 9338 6867 PASSCODE: 601443 In-Person Option: TBA

AGM - Member Meeting
Our April 13, 2022 Meeting is our Annual General Meeting. At this meeting, membership can have their say by voting on a variety of topics. This includes selecting your next Board Team! Attendance by our members is highly encouraged. Our membership shapes our organization.
Virtual Option: via Zoom Meeting ID: 822 6317 7746 PASSCODE: 052903