Est. 1997
Mission Statement
The Calgary Doula Association believes that every birthing and postpartum family deserve a doula.
The Calgary Doula Association strives to increase the quality of prenatal, birth and postpartum support by promoting access to doulas that adhere to an ethical standard of practice. We provide continuing education and mutual support to our members, which cultivates the growth of individual doulas, as well as the collective profession.
The Calgary Doula Association strives to foster the relationships between doulas, health care providers and all members of the birth community in Calgary and surrounding areas.
Inclusivity Statement
The Calgary Doula Association is committed to embracing the presence and contributions of all persons regardless of age, culture, abilities, bodies, ethnic origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, nationality, race, religion, or socioeconomic status. We believe that prejudice, oppression, and discrimination are detrimental to our profession, perinatal care and our community. At its core, The Calgary Doula Association values inclusiveness and the creation of a safe and welcoming space for all our members, as well as those who we support.
Creating such an environment means that our work is ongoing and our learning is continuous. We are committed to always treating each other with kindness and care by acknowledging and appreciating diversity and ensuring that all respectful voices and experiences are welcomed and heard.